I just got back early this morning from Kashgar which is very close to the Tajikstan and Kyrgystan borders (the very west tip of China). I went with my classmates and mostly spoke english, but we talked to a lot of shop owners and things. Kashgar is definitely a more Uyghur city. It's also quite small and a lot more "third world" in some sense of the world. I think it's still a modern place. We stayed at the well known Seman Hotel where most of the foreigners stay. I think there are probably some stricter regulations about where they can stay in the city. They are only allowed to live in one area that is newer. It was pleasant to be in a non-chinese city because, IMHO, I feel that most Chinese cities contain the same blah blah buildings that don't have a lot of characters. Maybe that is shallow, but I like the dirt buildings and even the more modern uyghur ones. Urumqi feels pretty sinofied except for certain parts of the uyghur section of town.
At the hotel there were a lot of europeaners that we spoke with some. Most of them were quite fascinating, but not really doing a whole lot productive. We met a couple who are finishing up the first of a five year bike ride around the world. They have a website at www.tour.tk. They are in Kashgar until Tuesday.
I have a lot more to say, but I am going on about 4 hours of sleep after getting back really early in the morning.
My lead to meet up with a community here fell through, but I may have another one with some of the Uyghurs at the school I am at. I am treading carefully though because I may rub some people the wrong way when I ask some questions. It's okay, but just keep it in mind.
I will be doing more travelling coming up soon. Some with the students here and then my trek to Kazakhstan right around August 1st. One of my friends who I met last time I came to china will be coming to Urumqi on the 21st of July so I hope that time is very beneficial. I may go to Altai with her to visit her family if there is time.
I have been doing a lot of thinking, and I could return here for more school or for teaching and continuing Uyghur study. I never really stick things through and it would be good to continue work here and actually see things happen.
I realize with my last entry here, things seem kind of crazy in my day to day life, but that's not really the case. I have a pretty relaxed uncrazy day to day life, so don't worry. I study most of the time, but there are just occasional wacky days where interesting things happen. I am taking care of myself and not doing anything stupid.
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