Thursday, October 25, 2007

the joy of money

So I just got myself a loan because I have been unable to pay tuition this fall. This is a result of many things--I lost my federal financial aid because only 3 of 11 credit hours only technically count towards my degree and because it took about 2 months to get a job once I returned in the country, I depleted a lot of my savings. But things are going okay; I just need to try to pay of this loan as quickly as possible.

I am hoping for next semester to find some sort of GTA / GRA position. I would prefer to be teaching in the AEC (Applied English Center), but I don't know how the prospects look on that. They aren't sure if they are hiring any more GTAs, and if they do, it is extremely competitive. I just need something. Or maybe this job (I am working as a temp employee right now) can become realized into an actual employee so I will get benefits.

It's a little overwhelming, but I think things will work out. Probably not how I expect them to, though

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