Sunday, September 20, 2009

Favorite blogs, websites, and youtube

Youtube Channels:

(food) Cooking with Dog - Francis (the dog) is the narrator for this Japanese cooking show.  It is in English and teaches a wide variety of Japanese dishes.   While I haven't ever used the recipes, everything seems clear and the instructions are clear.

(food) Vah chef - The Vah chef shows you how to make all sorts of Indian dishes, desserts, breads.  His commentary and facial expressions are quite ridiculous at times,  I followed his recipe for Butter Chicken and it was quite delicious

(music) Jack Conte Music - He is one of the more innovative musicians I've seen on Youtube.  He seems to be the originator of the 'video song' concept--every instrument on the recording is shown in the video.  He even has an anti-videosong that is entertaining.

(language) Alexander Arguelles, Ph.D. - This is someone I've followed for a few years, starting on forums.   He is a self-studied polyglot and offers advice to those attempting the same things.   He has videos on methodology for language learning, reviews of the major language resource publishers, and has completed a video series on languages in the Germanic language tree.   I own one of the English-French-Spanish-German dictionaries he published in Lebannon.   If you are interested in langauge learning, I definitely recomment checking him out.


(language) All Japanese All the Time - Khatzumoto has become one of the bigger language learning bloggers that I've seen in the last 3-4 years.  He claims to have learned Japanese to a highly competent level (enough to get a Japanese only speaking job with a tech company in Japan) in 18 months while going to school in America.   He has good advice and I agree with his language learning ideas.   Input before output.  Ridiculous amounts of input naturally grow language in our minds.

(cartoon) XKCD - one of my favorite nerdy comics.   Enjoy!

(faith) Don Miller's Blog - Author of Blue Like Jazz and Searching for God Knows What writes about various projects, including writing, ministries and his mentoring project.

(international) Coming Anarchy - An interesting collection of articles from a few different writers.  In the past it seemed more focused on China, but at least one of the writers is now in Dubai.

(China) Beijing Sounds — 北京的声儿 - I believe this guy is married to a Chinese women and generally posts about thoughtful reflections on the language of his wife, daughter and mother-in-law especially with regard to the Beijing accent.  

(Uyghur) This is Xinjiang. - Usually posts pictures from the area, with some personal anecdotes of a foreigner living in Xinjiang.

(Uyghur) Xinjiang: Far West China - Since the author The Opposite End of China had left Xinjiang, there weren't any very good blogs on people living there.  This excellent blog has come up recently and provides some cool and thoughtful posts.  Sad that the internet is off in Xinjiang so posts are far between.

(food) FX Cuisine - This Dutch blog is by far the best I've ever seen on cooking and food.  He explores various farms and shows how to make some great delicious foods.   These aren't usually fast recipes, but slow and careful.

I may update this from time to time.

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